Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Intel aims for Augmented Reality chips

Intel wants to push to stick augmented reality on its chips and has just written a cheque for $14 million for Layar, a Dutch startup which will give it access to its technology.
According to Reuters, the sort of technology involved overlays text or graphics on real-life images and objects. This allows a hybrid image to be viewed on a smartphone, tablet or PC screen - or even dedicated specs.
Maarten Lens-FitzGerald, co-founder and general manager at Layar, said that the cash meant that he could talk about business models and products.
The company software has been downloaded more than 20 million times and is the world's most used consumer AR application.
This is a reality browser that helps find services nearby, acquiring info on anything from restaurants to networking opportunities via a mobile camera.
Intel has to move fast.
Qualcomm, the top wireless chip maker, has bought up AR assets and opened its platform for software developers in 2010. ARM is also adding AR features to its designs.   View the original article here

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